vendredi 30 octobre 2009

Discovering the east coast

Mission beach

Paluma National Park

Kookaburra man

Magnetic island

Townsville (Frangipani i aranya)

Looking for fruitpicking
(we tried...)

Bundaberg (famous for Ginger beer and Rum)

Boris pesca el 1r (i últim...) peix! mmm bo, però escàs.

Rainbow beach
(sorra de 72 capes de colors)
Veiem balenes!!

(surf and seafood)
Una mica de menjar bo després de tantes baked beans!

Australia Zoo

1 commentaire:

  1. Hi this is ben,
    I just got you website address...
    This is such a nice site... please keep posting beautiful photos !
    Enjoy the end of your cool journey !
    ba-baye !
